It depends on your operating system whether it is able to provide enough resources to watch all the folders in your media library. For a local disk this is seldom a problem but disks accessed via a network connection can be troublesome. Often a networked disk can be watched for changes without any problem from Operating System ‘A’ but watching the same same networked disk from Operating System ‘B’ results in an error. There is unfortunately no workaround and you’ll have to update the Media library manually in those cases.
FreezeFrame can only import photos and videos from a folder in your file system. Many cameras let you choose how they connect to a system once you plug them into your computer. The preferred way is to connect them as a “mass storage device”. This means that the camera will be visible as a regular folder on your file system.
If your camera does not support this connection mode you can:
- use an operating system specific driver or 3rd party program to map the camera to a regular file system folder
- import the photos and videos using proprietary camera software either directly into the library folder or to a temporary folder from which you then import them using FreezeFrame
Note: FreezeFrame expects a square pixel format (Pixel Aspect Ratio of 1:1). Please take note of this when converting your existing videos to the MP4 format. See also FAQ: How can I convert my existing videos into the required MP4 format? for a conversion example.